The year is 1938 and we had just been expelled from the local Protestant schools in Gemünd and Schleiden. The Jewish community scrambled to create a one room school in Kall  installing Moses Fernbach as teacher.

I remembered a  photograph of our new school in H.Dieter Arntz’ book, Judenverfolgung und Fluchthilfe (Persecution of the Jews and Escape Helpers).

On the back row, far left, is our teacher, I am second from the left in the front and Kurt, my best friend, is in the second row to the right.

The photograph is a little blurred but the life within each child shines through. We were beautiful.

Last night I dreamed I was sitting among a group at a long wooden rectangular table in a large room and Kurt walked in and came to join us. I knew it was him, although I didn’t recognize him. He was old and thin with whispy hair. Of course I didn’t see my own wrinkles.

Moses Fernbach’s daughter, Mirjam Fernbach, the one next to me, with her fingers covering her mouth, survived in hiding as did her father.

I escaped to Britain with the Kindertransport but Kurt was gassed in Auschwitz.

We were so beautiful.

The Jewish school, Kall, Germany 1938

History of Jewish communities in the Eifel region of Germany