The Backstory

The Backstory

“The Leaving” by Laura Nathan, textile artist We respond to events through the filter of our life experiences, and our perception of reality. One year ago, on October 7 in Israel, Jews were killed, tortured, taken hostage, men and women, young and old,...


Gemünd, Eifel (Luftkurort) We walked back from the synagogue, my father and I, along Mühlengasse, over the bridge and on to Dreibornerstrasse. We climbed the stairs to our front door and breathed in the smell of spices and apple cake.  I took for granted the peace and...
What’s Going On?

What’s Going On?

Thirsty for Knowledge. Who Are My Teachers? My reading, listening and watching habits are a little odd.  I’m not looking for  entertainment or distraction, an escape from real life. I’m seeking answers to questions. Sometimes I watch too much news but often I hit the...


Photo by Marco Montalti | Shutterstock The Art of Healing Last month, Hannah Dailey came to our home. She was in Phoenix to interview local Holocaust survivors for the National World War 2 Museum in New Orleans.  I looked up from my low chair angled before the packed...
Deliver Us From Evil

Deliver Us From Evil

Shocked, I looked closer,  Yes, they are Stolpersteine, brass bricks,  embedded in the pavement before former homes of Jews who perished in the Holocaust.  Yes, they are desecrated with an old trope,  Juden sind Täter (Jews are Perpetrators). Yes, this is June 2024....