December fig leaf fallen on winter grass Can a clergyman poet, noted for the purity and effectiveness of his choice of words ( who died 390 years ago have anything to say at this dark year’s ending? Yesterday, I savored a verse from George Herbert’s...
At the Cutler-Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center | Photo: by Janie Dailey I love to trace the beginning of things. In the beginning… Genesis 1 In the beginning… John 1 On a micro level, how did George, Micah, Janie and I happen to be at the Cutler-Plotkin Jewish Heritage...
Adolf Hitler crossing the Olef Bridge, Gemünd, Germany. His destination, the fortress Vogelsang.20th November, 1936 | Photo from: Das Historische Gemünd by Markus Herbrand. We were there, Lisbet, Hilde and me. The power of old photographs. The three of us were in...
“National and Transnational Memories of the Kindertransport” by Amy Williams and Bill Niven Berlin It was 2010 and we were together in Berlin, Thomas Cogdell, George and I, visiting places like the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and the Jüdisches...
Design for ‘Meine Krone in der Asche’, the German version of my story, published by `fontis Verlag Today is day 16 since the Hamas/Israel war began. Far away, here in Phoenix I check the latest news, scrolling past the gut-wrenching photographs of wounded,...
One voice confessing Beckoned To join a throng of voices confessing an ancient creed, first formulated in 325 AD. Art is born when the temporary touches the Eternal G.K....
Ursula’s first quilt created for her grandchildren | Mosbach, Germany What does the ancient art of quilting have to do with current filmmaking? Quilting began as a necessity from poverty and the need for warmth and community, today it is valued as an art form, whether...
Vladimir Putin speaking at WW2 Memorial service, 24 August, 2023 in Russia. | Photo source: Gavriil Grigorov/EPA, via Shutterstock This week inescapable headline images splash across media platforms and I think about power… What is it? Who has it? I remember Moses who...
The Search What is your life?…you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14 My mother, Amalie, and her three sisters, Hanna, Dora and Elisabeth Schneider, all vanished. As the sole survivor of the immediate Schneider family, ...
A Phoenix Sunrise I wake up early and glance out of the window, suddenly alert, the melody and words of an old hymn flood my mind. When morning gilds the skies My heart awakening cries… And then I lift my iPhone and record the joy to share with Instagram friends....